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HFA Seniors Look To The Future At College Signing Day

On April 21, 2018, HFA seniors celebrated their choice of higher education with others from around the city. College Signing Day is the culmination of the annual Destination College event, a week-long campaign that celebrates and raises awareness of San Antonio’s higher education goals. San Antonio’s College Signing Day is an opportunity for high school seniors across San Antonio to announce their future plans. We are proud of our students and their bright futures.

March for Our Lives San Antonio 2018

On March 24, 2018 HFA student-activists participated in March for Our Lives San Antonio. We are proud of their ongoing desire to join with others and share their voices on issues that are critical to themselves and to others.

Design Thinking Kick-off

Our 9th-12th grade students, the staff and community members kicked off the school year in a new way. Over the course of two days, teams participated in activities to create connections and design a way to strengthen the culture across the school community.

Vans Custom Culture Art Composite

HFA was a Top 50 finalist in the 2017 Vans Custom Culture art competition. No small feat given that more than 3,000 schools from across the US entered. Inspired by San Antonio’s vibrant culture, our students created designs that reflect the four themes of Vans’ “Off the Wall” lifestyle: action sports, arts, music and local flavor. The program aims to inspire and empower high school students to embrace their creativity through art and design and to bring attention to diminishing arts education budgets.

HFA Students soar at VASE Regionals

Fourteen HFA students participated in the regional 2018 Visual Art Scholastic Event (VASE) competition. Of those 14 students, every single one received the highest score of IV and seven received perfect scores of 60. Paul A. was chosen to move onto the state competition. . VASE is the only art event of its kind in the nation. Students are provided the opportunity to bring artworks created in their art classes to their regional event where they are interviewed by a certified juror who evaluates their work based on a standard based rubric and their understanding of the art processes involved in the development of their artwork.